Community update | August 2023 📢

Hello, everyone! :hyper_wave:

We’re back with more monthly updates for August’23 & some recap :bell:

How’s Edge coming along? :credit_card:

It’s been a month since we revealed our Edge card. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the main thread for it :point_right: The Credit Card that you've been waiting for is finally here!

:bell: New updates:

  • After multiple requests from our members, we’re going to provide airport lounge access! It’s WIP and should be available soon :airplane:
  • We’re working on an improved rewards structure and offering :gift:
  • We now have a website link that talks about Edge - Edge Credit Card :spider_web:
  • Boosters are a thing and there’s a free trial going on! :rocket:


10X Boosters :rocket:

You probably must have heard about this already. They’re basically a tool to give you 10X rewards for your spends on ALL brands in a category you choose- online or offline!

These boosters reward you based on what you like and use the most.
Here are the Boosters we offer:

Travel Booster :airplane:
For those who like to see the world.

Everyday Booster :relieved:
For all your daily essentials.

Binge Booster :popcorn:
For all entertainment and some fine dining.

Super Booster :superhero:
If you want to take it to the next level - all booster brands!

Pay to Contacts :telephone_receiver:

We recently launched Pay to Contact to all of our users and our @Jupiterlabs helped us test it during the initial rollouts!

And yes, we’re working on a common search for all UPI transfers. Let us know if this interests you!
We’ll need as much feedback as possible :hyper_wave: -

Suggest here :point_right: (Completed) Lab test #14 - Pay to Contact on Jupiter 📞

The lab test has ended and our best reviewers have been selected!
Congratulations to our lab testers:

Modify, pause, and resume your SIPs! :hammer_and_wrench:

For those who have active SIPs, this is for you!
We’re working on an option that can Pause & Resume, and Modify your SIP.

Pause & Resume SIP
Low balance or change in financial plans? Pause & Resume SIPs anytime

Pause flow:
Pause sip

Resume flow:

Modify SIP amount & date
Got a new lucky day in mind? Change your SIP day or date in a flash

The above references are from a WIP flow.

Digital gold getting a revamp :moneybag:

Heard there’s going to be a separate dashboard/page for Digital gold with some new interesting options :stuck_out_tongue:

More to come soon.

Tax season is over…right? :eyes:

We ran a poll sometime last week. Guess most of us are first-timers when it comes to filing taxes!

For those who already filled out your taxes, how was your experience?
Don’t ask me :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Oh and one quick update! We’ve introduced an FY 22-23 option for downloading statements!

Settings (Top left) > Account services > Bank account statement > FY 22-23 option

This is the thread for you - Tax season is here! Get help from community 🗓️

Threads on Money & managing them :speaking_head:

  1. If you’re good at saving money, what’s your mindset? :brain:

Example - You have a fully functional smartphone and it meets your satisfaction. However, there’s a new model in the market with upgraded tech, looks classy too.

Would you spend a few extra bucks to get minor upgrades? Or do you convince yourself that its not that important?

Join the conversation :speech_balloon: - Folks who are good at saving money, what’s your mindset?

  1. How do you handle the bill-splitting showdown? :receipt:

How would you do it? Let us know in the thread below. Please share tips :pray:

Join the conversation :speech_balloon: - (Poll) Money Matters with Mates: How Do You Handle the Bill Showdown?

We’ll be creating some more Money management threads. If you’ve got in mind, share away!
Catch you all later :v:t3:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Account have been frozen

What about the winners of last month? @Shawnpinto

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@Devansh_Bartwal if you are referring to community champions, there were none.

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Why so?

For July, we didn’t have one yet!


Doesn’t it mean that the 4th rank or the person next in order will be selected?

Otherwise, it should be updated as “There could be a chance of not selecting anyone for a particular month”.

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You’re right. It’s for particular month instead of top 3.
Will make the changes.


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