Pot deleted but amount not credited in account

So I had 1 pot with 5000 and decided to break it, after it was destroyed, no money was credited in my account, I got email that pot was deleted with a transaction id in it , pot is also not visible now in pots section so basically my 5000 are just gone ,

Please help me I am in urgent need of that money, i tried raising a support request but they said it would take 5+ days which is unacceptable , how can money disappear from my account like that? Reference ticket I’d 2560122

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Hello @codelock
I believe it won’t require more than 5 days to resolve. The customer service representatives are likely stating this as part of the standard procedure.
Your funds may be credited either today or tomorrow. I suggest periodically refreshing your account balance for updates. :+1:t2:

Tagging @Samarth_Tiwari , who is in the charge of POTS :v:t2:


I understand, I have the same issue. It will be better if there’s an UI that will show that the money transfer is in progress and show a list of pots that we previously broke. Reason many think its sus :persevere: if they are not able to see their pot and don’t know what to do.

Well it’s assuring the response in Jupiter community is quick. Thanks I sure was going to raise one ticket but not anymore after reading your answer.

It is possible to view the transactions in the pot account. If you open the search bar and type Transactions it will show all your previous transactions, the one from pot should also be there its transaction name will start with “IFN/…” .
Hope it helps.


I think there’s a bug. When I see the recent transaction, I can’t find any transaction starting with “IFN”. But when I try to contact support it shows all the transaction, including the one which has “IFN” as you told.

Only thing is there’s no “Reference #”(mentioned as NA) assigned to the transaction and the status is “INITIATED” thats all.

Just to be sure I was referencing to the transactions in the search results not the normal one.
More details on this post:

An example here :

If you cannot see there as well then I think the customer support will be able to help you.

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Thanks @Abhishek_Ulayil , I didn’t know there was another way to check these transactions. It’s tricky. Hope there will be clearer way to access these pot transacs later in the latest updates.

I am having the same issue and it has been 5 days , the customer service ppl keep on saying soon soon asap

@Akshaj_Joshy have you been provided a ticket# for the issue?

Yes I have it’s been 2weeks still haven’t received a solution

I am sure you are receiving regular updates from the team. Can also share the ticket number here?

2802241, I contact them every 2days, they say 2 more days.

@Nikhil_Godbole request you to have someone from the team look into this.

Hopefully I get the amount back