Jupiter Edge Reminder


Its very bad that I have not received any reminder to make Jupiter Edge Today I missed my payment ): which is not good. App should remind me to make the payment.

Believe me in last 5-7 days I have not received any single reminder to make the payment.

@Shawnpinto PLS Look into this issue.


We should get reminders through SMS or email or in app notification as Slice and Many other BNPL plateforms do.
Please make it a priority.
Thank You


Thanks for letting us know @CarolinMerces @Mukesh_kumar_Bharti
These notifications are important. Weโ€™ll look into this. :mag:


I am getting the reminder SMS as well as email from Edgeโ€ฆ :space_thumb:
But only a single SMS/email on 1st and 15th


@CarolinMerces @Mukesh_kumar_Bharti
Can you double check once. See if you got a SMS, Email (Might have gone to promotions/spam folders)
Thereโ€™s no way to check past push notifications on your phone so, you can check the other 2.

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@Shawnpinto First and last reminder was send by Jupiter Edge on 18/05/2022 as you can see in screenshot

And the due date was 3 days ago right? :space_reading:

I forget about that :sweat_smile: but as I checked Due date was 5 June