Jupiter Rupay credit card scan and pay issue

I was trying to make payment today in a shop with scanning the QR code but i was unable to scan the qr,
It’s showing, your transaction failed due to technical issue, try again after 24hrs,
I am trying past 2day still it’s showing same issue

Please report this via the in app chat support or sending an email to edge-csb-support@jupiter.money. This will ensure a ticket is raised and the issue is tracked to closure. I faced a similar issue which got resolved after reporting it.

Thanks for sharing, I will try it

@Balaji We are getting it checked and will revert.

Many are facing this same issue. Since Sunday Jupiter Edge Rupay Card is not working. Not even able to open Credit Card section. When complained, CS executive was telling they have no idea when it will get resolved.

@alanabraham Thank you for your DM.

Have shared this with the team and someone will revert by tomorrow.

@Nikhil_Godbole Looking forward towards a prompt resolution. Thank you.

I am facing transaction failure issue with some merchant. I have raised the issue through email but awaiting resolution.

@Nikhil_Godbole no one reverted. It’s 1+ week and Edge Rupay card is not working for scan & Pay. Jupiter can’t resolve this even after a week.

@alanabraham As I can see you have already had an interaction with our Chat team today morning.

We will get back to you with the details by tomorrow.

Jupiter team is well aware its their technical failure but they r just buying time from customers. I have also raised same concern but really pathetic customer support. What if we miss our payment due, we will be charged interest alongwith bad credit score.

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Same problem for my card too. All transaction from the rupay credit card failed for the past 1 week.


I got a call from Jupiter, but they have no idea when it will be resolved. It’s really frustrating to hear that Jupiter doesn’t have any idea to rectify such a serious issue. It’s close to 1 month and not a single progress on payment failure. C’mon, after all it’s a complaint on banking transaction. 1 month and still no idea what to do? Seriously??

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Same here cc says they are we’ll aware and promised 3 days for reply, no fix tat available

Hi, we are implementing some checks to improve transaction quality, please share the same with me via DM and we will get it checked.

Still not solved

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It’s been over a month and still Scan & Pay is not working. Received a call from customer service 1 week back, which doesn’t resolve the issue.

What’s next?


I can update you all that it’s been working after I reported to the Jupiter team about 4 days ago. Thanks for the help @Lizann_Fernandez. Really appreciate that.

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@Vivek_Kumar_Jha can you please mark the thread as Resolved?

1 month plus. Not able to scan & pay. No resolution even after complaining to @Nikhil_Godbole. received couple of useless calls which wasted my time.