How many accounts do you have?

Any special benefits that you are getting from these accounts which arenโ€™t offered by the bank you already had account with.

Yes buddy Iโ€™m getting,

Like I have multiple debit cards for example my federal bank 4 free atm transaction has exceeded so I can transfer my money via UPI to another account to withdraw the money from another account via debit card๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Multiple accounts has multiple benefits thatโ€™s why I have opened so many accounts.

But people think if one customer has multiple bank account then they will get a notice from Income Tax department but this is a myth itโ€™s not real.


Just get standard chartered basic account it has unlimited atm transactions
Close all other xD


@Kushagra_Tiwari I visited their branch to open the account they said we wonโ€™t open the zero balance account.

Ummโ€ฆ but you already had Finin account which offers unlimited atm withdrawal also offers better saving interest then federal. No restriction on imps either. So atleast for this benefit I do not see how opening multiple account helped !!
I only have Fi account, didnโ€™t open Jupiter due to initial goofup and later realsied Fi was better for me in terms of features(like no imps restriction, fed net banking etc). May be in future if Jupiter starts offering something which Fi or other Neo bank that I have account with doesnโ€™t offer the same then I will go with Jupiter.

Reporting every account in ITR becomes PITA thatโ€™s it.

I had SC axcess account (mab 25k) then requested for zero balance and they did it lol

My accounts

Standard chartered (primary)

Lying with 0 rupees:
SBI (sarkari)
Fi (curious to see what they do next)
Icici, kotak, niyo (closing soon)


@Kushagra_Tiwari I was saw one video he has done the same process first he opened 25K MAB account and then he told his branch to convert his account into Basic savings account.

Let me apply this Procces.

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@Finin is almost dead and Finin is now acquired by Open.

I like to keep collection of debit/credit cards thatโ€™s why 2nd reason is this to keep multiple bank accounts.

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My corporate account is with ICICI.

Been one of them pioneer Paytm users predating demonitization. So I got a Paytm Payments Bank account with full KYC done. Though I use it less, and use the wallet more often.

Now I got Fi and Jupiter. I wonder if I can switch my corp account to Jupiter, but unsure if my company would let me do that.

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I have 4 accounts
4.Kerala Gramin Bank :joy:


@Aswin_Benny How do you manage 4 accounts at once?! Or is it something like, you have 1 primary and the others are for savings, investments, backups, etc?

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  1. SBI is my primary account. I hate customer service of SBI and had issues with some of their employees.
    ( SBI is still my primary bank account bcoz I still have trust issues with jupiter and neobanks since you guys have most things for free like a free visa debit card without any annual charges :joy: and i could see many people in social media saying that their jupiter account was frozen and money got stuck :smiling_face_with_tear:)

  2. Jupiter is my second preference. SBI sometimes have issues with UPI when i needed it most. I use jupiter to recieve my adsense payment and profits. (Federal bank has one SWIFT code to recieve all payments)

  3. Fi: I created an account in Fi to compare it with jupiter. Eventhough jupiter has a slow loading app. UI is simpler for jupiter and customer care is better for jupiter. (Customer care people in jupiter has some compassion towards customer and they dont hurry to leave the chat).

I have small amount in Fi. I am using it to buy cryptos and other testing purpose

  1. Kerala gramin bank : Whenever i ask them for a debit card. They say they have shortage of chips. Never used that bank in any transactions. It was my first bank when i never had a PAN card. Since it is a local bank. Bank employees treats us like good friends :joy:. I dont use it anymore

#3 is what makes me stick to Jupiter. The community!

Despite having a much simpler and faster app, Fi feels like a faceless entity. Need help? You better hope some rep answers your tweet, which could take a while.

Meanwhile the community at Jupiter is quite welcoming and the team friendly. Thatโ€™s unparalleled.

The stronger the communityโ€ฆ.



Fi community is kind of dead. Nobody talks anything other than some feature description by some admins.

But Fi community is more clean looking website UI than that of jupiterโ€™s.


Hold up, Fi has a community??? :thinking:

Thatโ€™s news to me.

Jupiterโ€™s in front and centre, on the website. Couldnโ€™t find Fiโ€™s the last I checked theirs.

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jupiter community is a drug :rofl:


@nateavi They call it the Fi Club :roll_eyes:.




Curious why I couldnโ€™t find it on their official website. Thanks, Ashwin.


Grabs tools :hammer_and_wrench:
Community platform UI needs a glow up :eyes:

Weโ€™ve been making few platform tweaks here - Community platform tweaks and adjustments ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Lets do this