Edge CSB bank RuPay Credit Card šŸ’³

CC says upgrade or downgrade possible only on same network but not to other network. However thereā€™s a trick to get it done.

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Charging for credit increase is not fair. No wonder they make a lot of money. :money_mouth_face:

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@Shawnpinto Wasnā€™t Edge the name of the upi app of Jupiter eons ago? Iā€™m back.


Edge was the name of their BNPL app

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Welcome back @kingzeusvj :slight_smile:

Welcome back!! :see_no_evil:

Yup, that was Jupiter Edge.
Itā€™s back, better than ever :slight_smile:

With a different offering.


So there is a 7-day Offer: Lifetime-free credit card! thing going on for Jupiter Edge Credit Card.

I received this message yesterday night. Did somebody else get this?

Apparently as per Jupiter Edge customer care, the offer is for people who were randomly selected. There is no eligibility criteria as such.

But the WhatsApp link to the app didnā€™t work (stuck at the Jupiter animation). So I called up the customer care and they told me to go through the normal process of applying through the app and when I did within 1 min I got the card. This is the fastest and seamless credit card application process I have done out of my 6 credit cards. WOW!

And in the welcome email, Jupiter had this to say ā€œAnd yes, Your credit card is lifetime free.ā€

So yaā€¦ Itā€™s all legit. :slight_smile:



At present, only pre-approved customers get those messagesā€¦Still waiting for the offer :disappointed_relieved:
btw, congratulations :cool_doge: :cool_doge: :cool_doge:


For those of you who got the messageā€¦ The offer ends on 6th September AĢ¶uĢ¶gĢ¶uĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶ 2023.

So get the card (if you want to) before then. :slight_smile:

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There is a typoā€¦ It has to be 6th September :smiley:

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So i didnā€™t get the message but i did get a pop up so am i eligible for lifetime free card offer as well


@razack Thanks for the heads up. Iā€™ve made the change.

If itā€™s true then am waiting to get it


Seems like a good move from Jupiterā€™s end.

Early adopters should always be rewarded. They are the one who starts the ā€˜word of mouthā€™ epidemic.

I hope with LTF option, there will be enough adopters to snow ball into decent customer base.


@Manish2 Good pointā€¦

I think Jupiter needs good word of mouth especially because the Edge card is not the best credit card in the market.

I am really hoping that the Jupiter team makes the credit card more rewarding soon. My theory is that Jupiter is held back by Federal Bank.

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Iā€™m waiting for this one!! :crazy_face:


Congratulations for getting Jupiter Edge Credit Card as Unconditional LTF. :+1:

I got this above offer on Wednesday i.e. 30th Aug. 2023, so is it an Unconditional LTF Offer same as yours or different one. Because Jupiter has been kept on changing Pre-approved Offer terms in my case. :neutral_face:

@Shawnpinto kindly clarify doubts about this Pre-Approved Offer, sothat I can apply for Jupiter Edge Credit Card ASAP. Thanks.


@Shawnpinto I am still on waitlist. how to move out of waitlist?

Yours does not mention LTF anywhere. Itā€™s a paid card.