Jupiter edge rupay card for edge visa users?

So i already have an ltf edge visa card hence i dont have an option to apply for upi card from the app so i applied via the link which gives a waiting number. So are visa card users eligible for upi edge card?

Welcome to the community @ItzHolmes :v:t2:
Since the card isnโ€™t active yet, I recommend waiting for a few days for clarification.
Iโ€™m sure that the team in charge of Rupay CC will provide a Q&A or FAQs section to address such common questions.


@ItzHolmes , Even if you hold a Edge Credit Card, you can join the waitlist. Either using the App or link provided for it.

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@ItzHolmes While this question is applicable to me as well, I think there is some reason behind Jupiterโ€™s silence.

Maybe the Rupay card is not yet ready for public release.

So letโ€™s be patient. :smiley:

I have Jupiter account now when I eligible for credit card

Hai @Shiv0455 , Welcome to the community
Can you see a โ€˜Credit Cardsโ€™ tab on your app. If so, click on that tab, click on โ€˜Notify meโ€™ button to get waitlisted.
Also, you can fill the waitlist form by clicking the link below:

The Rupay card is not yet live. Once you become eligible, the team will either contact you or you may see a pre-approved banner on the app.

Same case ,
Iโ€™m getting pre approved visa edge offer though I yet to apply
Can I get rupay varient instead by any chance?


once you are eligible they will notify you so keeping using the account.

even i got approved like after 4 months of the account opening

