Hello Team,
I want to address an issue regarding the credit card type offered to me. Initially, I was provided with an Edge VISA card, which came with a good limit but wasn’t the card I had originally requested.
Upon raising the concern with the chat team and after more than three weeks, they changed the card on my dashboard to the Edge Rupay CSB Bank credit card, as per my request. However, upon attempting to apply for the card, I was notified that I am not eligible, despite meeting the criteria and having a colleague with a lower CIBIL and Equifax score being eligible.
It seems like there may be inconsistencies in the eligibility criteria or processing, which is concerning. It appears that priority service is not being provided to existing users, and there may be a discrepancy in how new and existing customers are treated.
Additionally, I’m curious if anyone has experience with the CSB Edge Rupay credit card with a Jupiter account and whether it’s worth having.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,