Debit card branding

I opened my Jupiter account in 2021 & I got a visa signature debit card but my mom opened a Jupiter account roughly 5 days ago & she got a visa platinum card today in the welcome kit

I wanna know why it is like that.

another thing is when my existing visa signature debit card is gonna expire am I gonna get a Visa Signature card debit card or a Visa Platinum debit card?

if they have stopped giving Visa Signature debit cards to new customers then why?

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@SayanBhowmick23 for the card variant that will be issued on renewal - it is recommended you get that clarified with customer support.

I opened my account in Nov 2022 and I received a visa signature variant as well

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My mom got Visa Platinum for what reason I have no idea

They might have downgraded visa later on, even the metal debit card has visa platinum.

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We donā€™t issue Signature variant anymore

Visa has introduced few charges for Signature card variant without any additional benefits. Same costs were not viable for us considering economics of debit card.


Thanks for the thread @SayanBhowmick23 :+1:t2: and thanks for the clarification Sir.
I Was unaware of the Jupiter Platinum DC.
Now itā€™s clear why credit cards too are Visa Platinum instead of Signature. :+1:t2:

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thank you sir for the clarification & my only question - will there be any differences or everything will be the same as it is right now?

So once our current Debit card expires will we get platinum instead of signature?

It has to be Platinum, like the boss said, ā€œJupiter donā€™t issue signature variant anymoreā€.

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Offers provided by jupiter remain same but the offers you get from visa will change like the bookmyshow offer on signature card.
Buy two movie ticket and get one free/discount. :yum:


well, that is exactly what I was asking but I am sure Jupiter Team will provide us some new exciting offers with the platinum card for now since we have the signature card we can avail the benefits till those cards are expired! :slight_smile:

Just curious if you actually got any special benefit due to signature card variant. I never noticed any as a user.

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Movie tickets on Bookmyshow and recently times prime membership complimentary.


sir, you can avail offers on BookMyShow actually but itā€™s fine as long as we will be getting new & exciting offers with the platinum debit card :slight_smile:


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