(Completed) Lab test #9 - Introducing Search Bar on Jupiter 🔎

Hi everyone!

Super excited to bring you the search bar! :mag:

This is live on the app on the Payments Page for folks who had enrolled for @Jupiterlabs
This is available from the app version 1.6.18 onwards. Make sure you update the app to the latest version.

Here is a sneak peak into what you can expect as per the current scope of the Search Bar

1. Know your transactions
Check your spends on specific merchants such as Swiggy, or categories such as travel.

2. Make a payment using UPI, Bank transfer to friends, family, others.

This is the first version of the search bar. Like how Ironman created Jarvis for the first time.
The search feature runs on conversational AI and it becomes more robust with more data points and your feedback. We are continuously monitoring the product to make this feature more accurate

While you test it out, would love to know your honest thoughts about these.

  • Did you like the new experience? What did you like/dislike?
  • Did you face any issues while testing the product for the above 3 pointers listed in the scope of the product?
  • How else can we improve the experience? Let us know your thoughts!

We have a lot of new features in the pipeline that you would be able to see on the Search Bar. This product is still in a beta phase. We are in the process of incorporating this feature for other products as well !

Keep an eye out! :wink:

Happy testing!


Looks like Jupiter has started testing search option. Looks really cool


I dont the underline that comes while typing:

What does this ‘SELF’ and ‘ASWINBENNY’ means?

The search feature fails to find people who had sent me payment via Gpay or other eventhough their full name is shown in transaction history of google.

One more suggestion. I would like to see the ‘PRO’ tab replaced by a universal search button. Search button should fetch features of jupiter (like gold, bills page,upi etc…) as well as transactions and reply to queries like ‘ifsc’. :melting_face:


Hi Aswin,

Thanks for trying this, and sharing your feedback :slight_smile:
Addressing your pointers.

  1. underline thing seems to “non-dictionary” word as per your device and perhaps you see this? could you confirm?
  2. self and aswinbenny - seems like redundant info in the card. we would rather get rid of this as these transactions of course belong to the user himself/herself. Thanks.
  3. Looking up names from GPay transactions - We are actively working on this. Thanks for reinforcing the need. We started with just the saved payees for now.
  4. On more prominent space for Search in the app. Thanks for your feedback. We are focussing on making the search better for now, and will take a call on this with more confidence.

Underline comes to the recent word where my typing cursor is at…

Maybe device specific. I noticed it on other apps as well. In jupiter its taking too much of my focus… :joy: :sweat_smile:.

I liked the new feature :ok_hand:

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Thanks again, Aswin :slight_smile:


The idea is pretty cool. We do need a way to find transactions stat, and this gets it done. Problem is, if I try finding a transaction by the payee recipient’s name, it fails to pull it up.

For example, here’s the transactions that I’ve tagged as rent. When I search with “rent”, I get these…

But if I try finding the same search results by searching the name of the recipient, I get these…

These are IFSC bank transactions btw. The search functionality should be able to pick it up, as I’ve saved the payee info.


Hi, @nateavi
Thanks for sharing the feedback.

“find transactions stat”
On above - this is almost the next thing we are working on - to show aggregated stats for listed transactions.

“But if I try finding the same search results by searching the name of the recipient, I get these…”
The observation is correct, and opportunity for us to improve the algo. Feedback taken, and we will address this.

Thanks again for trying the feature and sharing the feedback.


@Chinmay_Jain @Shawnpinto I had enrolled for Jupiter labs but I am not getting any Jupiterlabs updates.

@Omverma Hey! Do you have the latest app version? :blob_worried:

Hey @Shawnpinto the feature looks great!
It is filled with bugs rn but I am sure it is being addressed already.

Few things I found about

  1. The search function doesn’t show transactions for a particular person. When I search using a name Jupiter is showing transactions not related to that person.

  2. I also tried adding that person through the add payee feature and then searched but still showed irrelevant transactions.

  3. In the payments tab, the recently paid section shows people who I have sent money to. However, when I click on the person, I am taken to make a payment screen. I cannot see the history of transactions for that person. This is not the case with Gpay or Fi. Please look into it. Feels like a crucial feature.

  4. I made a payment from Jupiter using my other account. But the payment appears in Jupiter’s bank account .

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Thanks @gauravsk for trying this and sharing feedback.

For #1, #2 - this is exactly the feedback we need to improve the algo. If you are ok, could you share the names you were searching here.

For #3, #4 - Thanks for sharing the feedback. We will internally circulate this to explore and update.

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Hey @Chinmay_Jain

Sorry, I can’t share the names here. However, this is the case with any person’s name I search about.

Because this is the case with any person that I am searching for. So a single person’s name doesn’t matter.

In fact, after adding let’s say ‘X’ person, whenever I search for ‘y’ person (who is not added as a payee) I get X person’s name. If I break down the search results, it is divided into 6 parts :

  1. Send Money
  2. Request Money
  3. Transaction Details
  4. Save payee
  5. Other send methods
  6. other request methods.

in the 1st and 2nd part, i see X’s name when searching for Y
in the 3rd part, i see all irrelevant transactions (this is true even for the saved payee).

Hi Gaurav, thanks for detailing this out. Would help us debug and iron out the algo. We will act on this feedback.