My Jupiter account is blocked today, maybe after evening
When I tried to UPI transfer via Paytm it’s showing me account blocked, then I tried via Jupiter it’s showing same…
When I opened Jupiter help it’s showing me to contact the cyber security email… Then I mailed them …
Let’s see how many days need to resolved by Jupiter, in FI Money the resolved within same day because it’s system detected security issue.
#1st time account blocked in Jupiter
Edit: auto reply saying they response within two working days… Tomorrow is National Holiday
Edit; 2nd time, 15th August, 5.03 pm .
I received the email from Jupiter support today at 11 AM.
Follow up… then I received the email 4pm also today.
Edit… on 16th August… 8.54 PM
Today I received a mail from Jupiter Cyber Security team ( which team handling frozen or blocked account) on 10.08 AM ( within 1 business day after my mail)
. [ They block my all debit transaction due to security of my account… In previous day ( one single day ) I do many transactions via my Jupiter account ( 27+ debit and credit transaction) that’s reason they temporary block my all debit transaction…
And also they reconfirm me my occupation and income source.
Then I replied the all answers on 12.29 PM today. [ One thing they also said my profile mismatch with transaction and provide details on account opening time.]
I told them I recently resubmit or update my KYC via Federal Bank online portal or website.
I opened my account when I was a student with low income, now I’m Self employed previously salaried.
Then Jupiter team call me on 2.40 PM , they confirm my identity by asking my postal address pincode, then they say sorry for the problem I faced, they assured me my problem will be resolved as soon as possible ( within 8 business hours) , and ask if I have another problem, they they say the team highlight my issue.
Then they sent me this email after call end .
then I also received a mail that my ticket was closed on 5 pm maybe…
Then finally I received a mail from Jupiter Cyber Security team, that they unblocking my account within some business hours…
As per CEO @Jiten , if you are not wrong they definitely unblock your account.
As per my opinion Jupiter given me best customer care service
With fastest resolution
A happy user of Jupiter