It has been about a month my account was frozen on all debit transactions. I’ve written a mail several times to fraud operations unit as asked to me in the app but no response, I’ve tried calling numerous times but nobody answers. I’ve written to support team and they always ask me to mail and call fraud operations unit only.
It’s been about a month all my money is blocked and transactions are at hold and customer service has been very poor.
@Logeshkumar I am sure this has been frustrating period and experience for you. The community is not equipped with the information or the insight to guide on this. While you have already mentioned that you have been following up with the customer support team, the only way to get the issue resolved is communicate with them and fraud investigation team and ensure you do not hold back any information that can help them resolve this issue for you.
@Logeshkumar in the threads that we have read so far, the resolution of the issue does take time. Like I said, we do not have the insight on the exact details
You received a mail from Jupiter risk management team, they are asking some details and documents for confirmation.
If you give them proper reply ( actual truth) they’ll surely reactivate your account post verification. Then you need to wait 24 hours to debit your all money. Please go for the mail with proper information.
NB . Please, don’t use any trick/ bug advantage , if you used the advantage every app block your account, not only case with Jupiter. Don’t abuse their T & C . ( Someday I noticed some people upgrade their account by fake salary transaction, that’s reason why Jupiter block their account , further it’s proved Faule )
Their another possibility some people use too much money recieved from merchant app, they use Jupiter as a current account or your account recieved some unauthorised crypto payment .
I think the email might be or .Not sure if you receive mail from other mail id @Shawnpinto can confirm the mail ID.
Have you sent an email to ? About this incident?