Survey on customisable cards! 💳

Any update on customisable card?

Any updates!

I have seen my dads credit card craze during my childhood days when we were in Dubai.
He used to have almost all CCs offered by banks.
Some of the cards were beautiful looking once especially the Dinners Club card.

Nowadays in India CCs have started to pick up pace and are more than a financial tool these days.

People like to show off their cards in the wallet.

I think it’s only appropriate to let the masses express their personalities through these plastic/metal sheets. Making them unique, make the one staring behind u curious as to where it came from.

Will be great for any brand/bank.


@Ajay_Krishnan Welcome to the community :v:t2:
I believe they’ve dropped this plan, as there’s no mention of it on Jupiter’s Roadmap. Currently, Jupiter only offers the option to customize the card’s name. Additionally, they’ve recently revamped their debit card, and it is now more appealing design compared to the previous version. :cool_doge:

Jupiter is considering offering the option to upgrade to a metal card instead of providing customized card designs. :rocket:

@Dr.azygos :100:Agree with you :+1:t2:
IDFC is now offering personalized image credit cards, and you can find a variety of designs and card options within this thread. :smiley:

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Somehow I am not so interested in customised cards. :thinking:

Maybe I can’t think of a good customisation idea. :grimacing: