Salary Account Revamp ✨

When the product offering is ready for roll, more updates will be shared. Until them, sit tight!

I thought I got the salary account because I joined the waitlist. But if the waitlist was a bug, is it possible that my account upgrade was also due to a bug? :grin:

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No idea. I have also clicked on the waitlist button. Maybe they did start the intake . @Shawnpinto can confirm

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You are the one who gave me hope of upgrading my account to salary account :rofl: :rofl:
As @Aswin_Benny said, Now I cannot see any waitlist option and instead it is showing to enter the company details.
I hope they are currently fixing the loopholes (as shown by the Youtuber) and hope the feature will be back soon once everything is sorted out :+1:t2:

An update:
The waitlist for getting a salary account was shown on the app to gather interested folks. We got to know that there are a lot of people who need this. We’re building it now.

It was shown & removed earlier because it acted as a form - Think of it as a survey.


I contacted customer support for clarification on why my account was upgraded to salary account to avoid any future problems. :frowning: @razack

Today, they downgraded my salary account😂

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Finally @Sreeharimkl :laughing:

Is it out yet? Or is this plan dropped? Would love to know

Welcome to the community @NiyasV :v:t2:
Can see it under “To be picked next”. So hoping the plan is not dropped :+1:t2:

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@NiyasV This is the latest news from the product team… this is from today.

Hope this helps… :slight_smile:

Yeah, Cool :v:t5:


Why all these benefits are removed from salary account. Mainly Insurance & Pre-approved loan.
Fi is offering both.