Revamped spends tracking on Jupiter 📊

Hey Aswin! Thanks for the feedback!

Curious though - how frequently do you visit the money tab?

Working on showing up category level trends and spends too! Stay tuned!

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@yagnesh01 can you share your mobile number? Please inbox it to me, we’ll get this sorted asap!

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Hi @Simranjit_Bakshi , i have sent you a DM.

I only visit money tab only after an app update in jupiter, just to see if something new has come up. Other reasons include seeing my mutual funds report.
I dont find account aggregator any use since my other bank i use is not supported.

I use the above money manager for insights about my spends.


I new my card


Some transactions need not be categorized as spends, Like wallet transaction or transaction which were unsuccessful and has been refunded. What is the possibility that these transactions do not show up on the spends tab.

Thinking of a possible option

  1. Categorize as “Not a spend” - this will be ignored from spend calculations.
  2. Link refunds to original transaction - this too will be ignored from spend calculation.

Add swipe feature like Gmail for this type of transaction


simple idea for Jupiter team :grin::point_down: @Simranjit_Bakshi

give tag name as "Ignored Transaction " ignore it from Spend Anylyasis Feature.


Noted! We will work on incorporating this at the soonest!

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Great idea!
Let’s see how we can incorporate this!


Hey, Now after new update, Self-Transfer categories is started to ignor from Spend tracking. :+1:

Now can I track my 100% Accurate Spend & income. :smiley: After changing category of Unnecessary transactions to Self-Transfer.

Now This feature really feels useful.:grin:


@Shawnpinto After the recent update, tracking feature of spends by tags is gone and can be seen nowhere. Please look into this.

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After the latest update I have noticed one thing, the transactions take a bit of time to show up in the transactions list. It took about 10 mins to show up as I did multiple transactions in 1 minute, some transactions had this :face_with_monocle:: icon as well and on tapping that it would show the error page.


10 minutes? One of my UPI transactions took two days to appear in Jupiter app’s transaction history page😁


For me it took 3days😅 Btw, it’s a never ending issue for me


Hi @Abhishek_Ulayil ,

Can you confirm once if you are not able to see those transactions even in the transactions list by clicking on ‘See All’?


Yeah they are visible with details. It took a few minutes after which I was able to categorise and add tags to the transactions.


The system is slow :sweat_smile: for me it’s showing transaction details after 1 hours or 30 minutes

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I am not able to see the option to filter by tags since yesterdays app update @Lakhan_Suchdev

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Maintenance is ongoing, but this notice need showing in home page.


@Shawnpinto @Jiten @Lakhan_Suchdev
Please look into this once. No one has replied since a week on this now.