Jupiter wrapped 2023 | Thoughts? 🗓️

Hi everyone! :wave:t4:

Since the year end is approaching, that means we get to release our next Jupiter wrapped! This will be our 3rd edition and we want to make it even better for you.


What is Jupiter wrapped? :thinking_face:

It’s a personalised insights breakdown of how you performed on the Jupiter app. It’s also a way to gauge how you’re doing financially :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Some stats we’re thinking of (WIP)

:date: Days since you’ve been a Jupiter user + number of accounts connected
:moneybag: Transactions done on Jupiter this year and peak month of transactions
:shopping: Top spend categories, merchants, etc
:sparkles: And much more!

Fun stuff

  1. Best/Funniest pot name ever made in 2023
  2. You guys fill the rest :stuck_out_tongue:

This is where you come in :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Would you like to see some personalised stat from Jupiter? If yes, what would it be?
Eg: I’d like to know how many goals i’ve completed from my pots in 2023.

Please name them in the comments below. Add some fun stuff too!
We’ll look at all the requests by end of November and try to plug it in the Jupiter wrapped 2023 edition.

We’ll be publishing Jupiter wrapped 2023 in the month of December so stay tuned!


What is the fun, if i won’t be able to login without my working mobile number which is linked with my Jupiter account

How much I saved through SIP? How many Jupiter users subscribed to that fund (something like x users out of y base which is z%)? If I would not have stopped then you would have saved how much in 3/5/10 years? What benefit I can get with additional purchase of x amount every month?


Here are some suggestions @Simranjit_Bakshi

  1. How many POTS were destroyed by me before meeting the set goals? :laughing:
  2. How many times have I clicked on the ‘Credit Cards’ tab? :rofl: (I am damn sure, it’s 50+)
  3. What is the current value of the Digital Gold I’ve sold ? :face_holding_back_tears:
  4. A Comparison of the total amount spent via QR scanner and Debit card till date. :cool_doge:

Here are some more :

  1. Spends/ income ratio of Jupiter account
  2. Most used payment mode (debit card/UPI/credit card/transfers) :credit_card:
  3. Jewels earned this year :jewel:
  4. Time spent on the Jupiter app :sweat_smile:
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What is this

So the worst year for me in Jupiter. No offers no rewards nothing :slightly_smiling_face:

For compounding consistency matter.

Some fact around consistency, like daily saver, weekly saver , monthly saver etc.

And a stat around how am I doing among Jupiter fellows

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Great idea @kingzeusvj - we will add a view of how your money grew and can grow even more!


@tarun_rao interesting idea! Any suggestions on what you would want to call these personality types? Saver, shopper, investor?

@Abhishek_Ulayil curious why just Jupiter account? Have you tried using Jupiter for tracking other bank accounts too? How about including those in the wrap?

@razack fun suggestions!
Keep them coming!

“Consistent compounders” I will add a buffet tip or quote to make this fun.

Also remind everyone that consistency is the key to compounding

A nudge to level up or keep continuing will be bonus

Something to motivate investments

  • How much more did I invest via Jupiter compared to last year?
  • Whats the raise/fall in my networth? Pointers/suggestions to improve on it?

That is also a good idea. I have linked a few accounts through AA but others are not available so I thought including AA accounts would be incomplete tracking.

@Simranjit_Bakshi Is Jupiter Wrapped coming?

@Shawnpinto @Jiten

Make a video which new service Jupiter offer this year, how many new user join this year, highest spent this year by Jupiter cc and debit card by any pertinent user.

Total amount saved in whole Jupiter branch
Total number of cc issued
Fastest complaint resolved by team ( mention the time)
Total number of jewell offer as reward.

Hi @Devansh_Bartwal !
We didn’t have a :jupiter: wrapped for 2023. The team wanted to work on other surprises and feature revamps for all of us :bowing_man:

Need a Community wrapped/rewind 2023 :smiley:
(not system generated)