Money tab improvements | Cash flows & more 📊

Hello everyone,

It’s been a while! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend :party_parrot:
Just wanted to let you know that we’re in the process of revamping the Money tab :bar_chart:


The PFM team at Jupiter has been working hard on an all-new and improved Money tab, aimed at increasing awareness about your money movement. We would like to share some sneak peeks & early updates and get your early feedback before launching to a larger audience.

What’s new? :bell:

:scales: All Bank Balances Movement: Building on the total bank balance, the balance’s trendline shows how your money is moving across Jupiter and AA-linked accounts.

:calendar: Cashflow aka Month so far: The cashflow widget shows, at a glance, your incoming, spent, saved, invested, and remaining - so that you can stay true to your personal finance goals (more to launch on this in the near future).

:bar_chart: Month over month trends: Building on the spend categorization (It’s more intuitive), now you can see monthly patterns for your running spends, savings, and investments, as well as spend categories, e.g. Food & Drinks, Bills & Utilities.

:money_with_wings: ‘Remaining’ pattern: With Remaining, you can see how much you’re left with each month. Put that idle cash to work.

Some sneak peeks below :eyes:

Some user Feedback addressed :scroll:

:crystal_ball: Investments and Savings are excluded from spends

:money_mouth_face: Balance and expenses tracking in a single view. You can now reconcile your balance movement alongside expenses

:moneybag: Networth, which is more long-term money movement, has been separated from a more volatile view of your money i.e “Monthly Cash Flow”

:bug: Loan Tracking issues have been fixed

Let’s test this together :test_tube:

If you want to get more out of these new upgrades, you will need to categorize your transactions. Answer some questions:

  • Since you saw the sneak peeks, did you understand what it can be used for?
  • Share what you understood from the images above, we need to understand how you perceive the new updates.
  • Would something like this be useful to you?

This is aimed to go live very, very soon! :zipper_mouth_face:
We’ll update the thread once it’s available to be taken for a spin!

P.S. - Some of the flows, imagery, and text are still undergoing improvements - we’re sure you’ll love the final flow when it’s ready but do share your initial thoughts about the feature and what more would you want to see in here!

Have a nice weekend everyone :slight_smile:


The cash flow feature, displaying both incoming and total expenditures while clearly indicating the remaining balance and illustrating monthly trends, is truly impressive. :clap:t2: :clap:t2:
As you mentioned in the thread, it’s incredibly convenient to monitor everything at a glance. :fire:
Moreover, the separation of the net worth feature is also good.


This is the best feature

This looks good. Jupiter is handling the money tab nicely. I am still exploring it. I like how there are pre-defined categories that almost take care of every kind of outgoing - just in case you want to change the auto category. And the sum of all balances from all my bank accounts. That’s something that I didn’t think I needed. But it’s a God send. Thanks! Keep improving… :slight_smile:


Most awaiting feature for money controlling come on Jupiter :fire: let’s try

This new cashflow feature is really good, providing cashflow, balance, expenditure and investment all in a single visual format is amazing. It will cut down the time spent on monthly conciliation of expenses, investment and idle cash balance.

Separation of investment from expenditure was really necessary.

The prompt on bottom about savings by peers with similar cashflow is also good.
It will nudge the customer to save more and feel good in case their saving is more than peers.

Eagerly waiting for it to go live :grin:

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Looks interesting. Will try out when it’s out for all the users! :slight_smile:

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With the past analysis [3, 6, and 12 months], Jupiter would come to know the average balance lying idle in account. You can create a nudge feature that notifies the user that “according to past 3/6/12 months analysis, the average idle balance lying in Jupiter’s account is X amount, and with that amount you earned Y interest amount, but if you transfer your X amount to Z vehicle, you can earn Y+3% or Y*3% CAGR.”

Food for thought.


That’s a cool suggestion.

Jupiter will look into this I think.

I am able to access the new money tab after the app update 2.2.6


I am getting more and more curious. I haven’t got the 2.2.6 update.

Is it because of the Play Store (I am on Android) control which will roll out the app in stages or is it because of the Jupiter Labs access which will push the app to the labs members faster than others?

@Shawnpinto can you please clarify?

I think the new update is released only for iOS. For Android, there are no updates at present (checked now and it’s still 2.2.5)

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Thanks for the information @razack :slight_smile:

Aaaaaand it’s live! :party_parrot:

The all-new and improved Money tab is here to make your financial life a breeze.
We’ve enabled it for some of our Community members!

Make sure you’re on the latest app version (:iphone:App version: 2.2.6 on App Store and Play Store)
If you still can’t see it yet, the feature updates should come to you by mid-September (TBD)

We now have 2 sections on the Money tab:

  1. :spiral_calendar: This Month - your month at a glance including all your spends, and incoming, investments across accounts tracked on Jupiter via Account Aggregator,

  2. :money_mouth_face: Networth - your assets, and liabilities all combined to give you a holistic view of your networth tracked on Jupiter.

What’s new in the launch? :face_with_peeking_eye:

:sparkles: Aggregated Balance Tracking: Quick glance and you’ll know where you stand. Total balance tracking, all in one place!

:money_with_wings: Cashflow Magic: Ever wondered how much of your incoming cash you have left to play with this month? Wonder no more! Our cashflow widget shows you exactly what’s up.

:bar_chart: Spend Category Breakdown: Curious about where your money is going? Now you can see a detailed breakdown of your spending habits, all neat and tidy.

:hourglass_flowing_sand:But wait, there’s more! We’ve got a fabulous time-traveling feature (not really, but close) for your cash flow. You can now break it down into pieces and even hop between accounts and time periods. Talk about feeling like a financial wizard! :mantelpiece_clock::sparkles:

Upcoming improvements :hammer_and_wrench:

:bulb: Wondering whether to invest or should you pay off that loan instead? We will soon introduce personalized nudges with suggested actions to undertake to optimize your cash flow and “left” utilization

:broom: More visual enhancements and bug fixes

:dart: Budgeting and goal-tracking
And more…

Known limitations :face_with_peeking_eye:

  1. You can only view 4 months’ trends across incoming, saved, investments, spends, and left. This will be updated to allow you to go further back in time in the next release.
  2. Supported time filtering is only eligible at a monthly and weekly grain. We will introduce the yearly view soon.
  3. Pull to refresh is currently not working as expected - this will be fixed with the next release.

Here’s the deal.
We need your expert opinions! Take our latest builds for a spin and tell us everything. Does the cash flow equation make sense to you? Is the balance trendline useful? What more would you like to see?

Feedback, bugs, concerns - this thread is your playground :party_parrot:

Oh and, Psst…
We’re planning to host another office testing session for Cashflow :eyes:

Happy weekend!


Email at Jupiter support, this isn’t the place for that

Hey please don’t post your personal details here :upside_down_face:.
Send an email to

Is it just me who thinks the investment tab also needs a design update? I mean- it’s probably the worst desgined tab in all of Jupiter application. Idk maybe it’s just my personal preference but wanted to bring this to everyones attention

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Looking forward to hearing your experience with Cashflows on the Money tab. What do you like the most so far, and what needs improvement? Any struggles?

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Pls don’t send me any mail. Because this is worst application for banking

Hai @Anoop_Prasad, You can turn off the Jupiter email notifications from the Jupiter app.
Click on the top left Hamburger icon> App settings>Notifications and Email> Email Communications>Turn off

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