Money tab improvements | Cash flows & more 📊

Will definitely provide feedback once I receive the latest app update. :+1:t2:

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Received the update some time back. Will give the feedback once I explore it.

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Please check it now…A few hours ago, I got the latest update. :cool_doge: :cool_doge:

@razack Thanks for the heads-up. Upon seeing the message from @specter, I noticed I’ve also got the update.

I’ve updated. I am checking. But I am not seeing any differences. I am not sure what I am missing. :grin:

Jupiter App updated to version 2.2.6. But the money tab still shows Assets and Liabilities for me.

No Cashflows and Networth… :frowning_face:

I’ve even reset the app.

What am I missing. Are Cashflows a sub-option?

Same here

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So I guess there is a background switch to turn on this new feature. That’s why even though we are on the latest version of the app we are not able to access it.

Disappointing! :face_exhaling:

I just re-read the official announcement post by @Shawnpinto and found this. I forgot earlier… :grin:

So mid-September it is for us.

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I couldn’t find a screen like that… Cashflow and Networth Tabs… :eyebrow: :eyebrow:
Yes, Of course, got the revamped This Month and Networth Tabs (exact screenshot shared by @Abhishek_Ulayil )
So confused about which is the final version ???
The screenshot shared by Shawn (attached below) or the one shared by Abhishek?

Abdul what you’re seeing in the app is the currently live beta experience.

We renamed the tab from Cashflows to This Month. There is a specific Cashflow widget on the page that shows inflow/outflow.


Thanks @arp4na for that clarification.

I am looking forward to see that graph for my financial inflow/Cashflow.

Too bad I can’t access this till mid September. :face_exhaling:

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@monologuing Thanks for the feedback. We are working on redesign of the Investment tab.


I have created some pots today and they got automatically categorised under “Miscellaneous” category instead of POTS. As a result, the calculation in networth also got messed up.
I contacted the CC and they asked me to recategorise the transactions as Pots which is not available at all.
Is this a bug? Anyway to get it corrected immediately? @Shawnpinto @arp4na

@specter I also have the exact same issue. Sometimes it gets categorised as “Dr. Tran for finding A/C xxxxxxx”.

Guess @JupiterTeam has to do something about this.

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When I think some area is sorted out, new bugs come up every time with jupiter which is disappointing.


@specter But truth be told, I had put a pause on using the Jupiter app.

Then when I came back, I saw that most of the bugs had been ironed out.

So I am happy that progress is happening.

@alexnazy @specter looking into this! We’ll get this sorted!
In the meantime - how is the new money tab experience working out for you?

@razack eagerly awaiting feedback on the new money experience! Thoughts, questions, comments, suggestions?

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Thanks @Simranjit_Bakshi . So far, it’s been good.
I feel the design of spends was better before where we could see many categories in a single screen. Now as the spends categories have become big in size, it’s not that comfortable. Hope you people bring the old category screen back but keep the new money tab.

In case you’re unable to access the new money tab, drop your details here - and we’ll enable it for you ASAP!