Jupiter RuPay credit card all transactions failing

I feel you and I too hope for better experiences moving forward. Fingers crossed.

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@Nikhil_Godbole Hello, I’m here once again with another complaint. I tried to swipe the card at one place, and it showed this error: “Contact helpdesk.” I swiped it twice, and it showed the same error. After speaking with the Jupiter representative, she said that we are not supposed to use the card at the same merchant twice. Like, what the hell is that even supposed to mean? Why are there such restrictions on a credit card? And even if there are any such stupid restrictions, why wasn’t this told to the customer before giving them a credit card? Who made these rules, dude? It’s frustrating and annoying. And she said that at the end, it would take up to 3 working days to get back with a solution. I’m still trying to understand what the problem is and why I’m facing such issues. I also need a concrete answer. :rage:

They released a half-baked product to random users, even though there’s a Jupiter Lab section in the community. Many of them didn’t even get the chance to apply for the card.


@Priyanka_Mat Have highlighted this internally. Will revert once I have an update

@Nikhil_Godbole still no resolution?

@alanabraham Please ask the card holder to use the card today and let us know if you are facing any issues.

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Hello @Nikhil_Godbole

Scan & Pay started working again. Thanks.


Can’t even do JIO recharge. Payment failed countless times. I have another RuPay credit card by YesBank and the issue is there also not just with CSB rupay credit card. Maybe the issue is with the system of UPI and card payment otherwise my YesBank payment would not have failed. I don’t know what’s going to solve this issue. Unfortunately I had to pay with my RBL credit card for that mobile recharge.

In conclusion I would say you can’t trust UPI credit card Payment. It might work one time and fail other time you can’t predict. If you are in an emergency, you can’t rely on this rupay UPI credit cards.

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Still failing trash support from Jupiter, neo banks sucks unfortunately

@Andreq We are getting this checked

@Andreq Can you please try to transact again ?

Your UPI transaction of Rs 500.00 via your Edge CSB Bank RuPay Credit Card failed on AGGARWAL . Need help? Call 8655055086. Thanks for using the Jupiter app.

Almost a month now same error

@Andreq There is some error we are receiving on few merchants which you are trying. Please try on few others and let us know. Avoid transacting on the same merchants where the payment is not going through. Too many failures on the same merchant will also trigger temporary block for security reasons.

I believe the issue is with RuPay instead of the bank. Btw Jupiter Money is working fine so is Federal bank. I’ve no complaints regarding any of the two but because of this RuPay and Credit card, the customer is getting frustrated day by day resulting in ruining Jupiter’s app image.

Same error on jio merchant also
And tried lic payment same issue, card is dead for me

If used as normal credit card? I know there are issues with UPI payment but are there any issues if we make credit card payments?

@Nikhil_Godbole After paying the credit card bill, I had a horrible experience this month with the transactions. Back-to-back transactions are getting declined, and unable to transact via card as well as scan and pay. It’s so frustrating. What the hell is going on, men? Why aren’t you guys getting this fixed? How many times are we supposed to call and raise a complaint, and you guys have no straight answers to the questions either? This is such a pathetic experience you guys are making your customers undergo. Highly disappointed.

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Scan and pay transactions aren’t going through.

Make sure the QR code is of a Merchant account.