Jupiter debit card FAQs answer

@Jiten Can you confirm if 18% GST will be levied on that 3.5% markup ?

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Yes, GST will be levied.

Hey @goneo ! Any charges mentioned in SOC will attract 18% gst irrespective of the bank.

Okay. So in this case net gain will be .87% and not 1.5% as mentioned by @Jiten ! Correct me if I am wrong.

Effective gain is 0.87%

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What will be the case after first 3 months?

Is it going to be 5%or 3%, if it is 3% on international means we will be paying 0.5% + ( 18% of 3.5%) GST, am I on right page?

Hey @dilip, it’s 5% beyond the first 3 months as well upto Dec’ 21 . Users will be notified beforehand if there is a change next year.


@sahil-sorathiya Is 5% cashback applicable to International ATM withdrawals aswell ?

No, it won’t be applicable on the International ATM withdrawals. @bgman

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It’s there a limit to this 0.87% or whatever the reward is? Don’t care about rewards much but is it unlimited 0 markup?

No I think, cashback is eligible for international spends upto Rs. 1L only.

Yes it’s capped at 5% upto 5000 INR cashback which is 1 lakh. Beyond 1 lakh no rewards. This resets at 1st of evey month.

What really? i claimed visa signature book my show offer tho. I here to know airport lounge access

Hey @Aldrin

We’d like to inform you that the Jupiter Debit Card currently does not provide complimentary airport lounge access.

Can you explain what’s the visa signature for?. Im really not good at this that’s why. I heard debit card with visa signature can get airport lounge pass

Sure. Jupiter Debit Card is a VISA Signature card that comes come up with associated benefits. Kindly visit this link to know more- Visa Signature | Visa

We have taken notice of your request for lounge access and will let the team know so that they can take the appropriate action :slight_smile:


Yes but in the link you provided it says visa signature card have airport lounge access. Can elaborate what happening in it that I can’t access the airport lounge. Although i claimed 50% off in bookmyshow visa signature card offer im really happy with that. I really appreciate that.

Glad to know that you were able to get the offer on BookMyShow, Aldrin.

We understand the need for airport lounge access and would definitely work on it :slight_smile:

Ohh no no no :sweat_smile: i don’t travel that much. Im just asking this for learning purpose like what is visa, mastercard, rupay what are their involvement in debit card. You know just learning some finance. might be useful for my future