Introducing Money situations series! 💰

Hello Community!

Hope everyone is doing well :slight_smile:
Just wanted to talk about a thought around how we interact with money in our daily lives.

Money makes the world go round, and let’s be honest, it can also cause stress and awkward silence :speak_no_evil:

Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet, navigating student loans, or planning for retirement, money is a deeply personal topic that often feels off-limits in conversation.

But here’s the thing: money doesn’t have to be a taboo subject.

By openly discussing our financial situations and challenges, we can empower ourselves and each other to make informed decisions and find support :handshake:

So let’s create a series for talking about Money! :money_flying:

adding some drum roll here


Money situation series!

A weekly series that involves real-life situations where we interact with money. Here, you will face choices that aren’t easy. What’s unique about this is, there might be different answers to each situation. It’s up to us to decide what’s right or wrong :v:

How does it work?

:date: A weekly situation will be shared in our Community
:1234: There will be a poll
:blobthink: There will be a realization section for us
:hourglass_flowing_sand: It only takes you 5min or less

Live date - Feb 2nd, 2024, on our forum.

The first situation will be shared this Friday for us to look at and interact with.
Note: Anyone can participate!

This thread will also act as a master thread for every situation. Sort of like a tracker.
So if one wants to find out all the situations we’ve discussed so far, this is the only thread you can look at :v:

Join this series by dropping a like :heart: if you like to know more about how you and your members deal with money situations!

Looking forward :grimacing:





Our first situation is here! Money situations #1 - Paying at the dinner table 🍽️


The situation for the week #2 - Uncomfortable money situations #2 - Lent money, but didn't get it back? 💰

What would you choose?



I’m a bit late to the party.

1 Like

Never too late! @farhad
We have 2 topics around Money situations, links above.

3rd one coming this Friday!

The situation for the week #3 is out! Join the topic and vote here - Uncomfortable money situations #3 - Who pays for the dinner? 👫

The situation for the week #4 is out! Join the topic and vote here - Uncomfortable money situations #4 - The roommate who never pays 🏘️

Get this guy to pay an advance.