Error in Bill Details

@Shawnpinto The amounts displayed in the screenshot appear to be missing decimal points and commas, resulting in an incorrect representation of the values. For example, my debt of 1,27,395.66/- is shown as 12739566. The same formatting issue applies to the minimum payable amount. I sincerely hope that I never find myself in a situation where I owe the banks so much, especially considering the error in the representation of the amounts.

The absence of automatic capitalization in this feature can be quite troublesome for individuals who are particular about such details, including myself. The address, particularly the shipping address, has not been printed exactly as I had originally typed it. I presume that the remaining information has been pulled from Aadhaar.

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There appears to be another typographical error, and I’m uncertain whether this mistake originated from Jupiter or if the data retrieved from Bharat Bills is inaccurate. It is highly unlikely for the overdue days to be in the hundreds of thousands. Nevertheless, the due date is set for the end of June 2023, making this error quite concerning.

Surprised to see the Total due amount, minimum amount due and the due date (in the case of the insurance bill) after missing commas and decimals :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:. This has to be certainly some bug. Thank you for bringing this to the community’s attention. I hope that the relevant team will address and fix the issue promptly.

Edit: Thanks @Satyajit_Singh and @Abhishek_Ulayil for the thread. Completely missed it. :+1: and thanks for confirming it’s the problem with the bill desk and not with Jupiter.

It’s already reported by @Abhishek_Ulayil, and as per their observation, it’s a problem of BillDesk provider.


The same data pulled from the biller is printed correctly on this page.

Thanks for the clarification. @Satyajit_Singh


You were right.

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