Adding one more bug. Today morning i got a CAMS mail like usual i forwarded it to jupiter (jupiter was not automatically updating)… Now i am getting incorrect password error Like report had different password
Hey @Aswin_Benny ! Thank you for raising both the issues
For the first point, you can still do it manually. Click on View insights report, then click on the ? in the top right, and click refresh! From there you will be able to choose whether to refresh with Google or manual. Just as an FYI - your email data is extremely secure. We only use the access to fetch your CAMS statement! Definitely connect with Google for a superior experience.
For the second, about the Incorrect password error, let me look into that! For now can you try forwarding your statement again?
Thanks again for raising the issues and your patience with us!
Hey @Aswin_Benny ! We double checked your error and I think that statement was not generated by us! That is why our system is giving the erorr. Maybe it was generated by CRED or INDMoney if you have those apps.
You can double check by opening the PDF and checking if the password “jupiter123” works. Try going through the flow again on the app, and we can generate a new statement for you with the correct password!
Haha, our mistake then! We can make the flow simpler to use.
Tell me - what email ID do you use to receive CAMS statements on? I can generate a statement for you manually. When you receive that - forward it to and then it should refresh and fix this for you.
It’s still there! There’s a track funds icon on the home page, slide the nav bar to the left, you will find it. It’s in the money tab and Investments tab as well. @Akash1@Aswin_Benny
I was checking in the money section where my external mutual fund used to show, but suddenly i could only see option from jupiter mutual fund, there was no external one, but the option you have mentioned that worked and i am able to connect my external mutual fund by forwarding option