@000 It’s like this…
Jupiter checks their app features and financial offerings before the public launch.
First phase is the internal testing wherein the product is tested by Jupiter’s employees.
So now the Edge Rupay credit card is coming into the testing phase, wherein the testing is done by this community’s members. This will take a few weeks. Based on the feedback received the Edge Rupay card will be improved.
Once the testing is completed and improvements implemented, the card will go into the Beta phase where some of the public members will get the card.
Then comes the public release. This might take atleast a month.
Also right now the Waitlist based card issuance is not started. That might start in the Beta phase or the public release phase.
So if you don’t want to wait, please make it to the Community Meet-Up tomorrow or next week (with a friend who doesn’t have a Jupiter account) and you might improve your chance of getting the card sooner.