Card sorting exercise!

Hello @research_center :wave:t4:

We would like to get some feedback from the community about the various features we have.

This time, we’re conducting a live card sorting exercise.

What’s going to happen?

  1. We will share a set of cards with you.
  2. You will have to look at the cards one at a time and place the cards that belong together into piles.
  3. You will also have to name the pile. Some piles can be big, others small and that’s completely okay. If you don’t know what a card means, it’ll be okay to leave it off at the side.

We’ll be there with you during the entire exercise and would ask you questions as you go. There will be no right or wrong answer, we’re here to learn from you :slightly_smiling_face:

This will be a live Gmeet/Zoom call between you and the Jupiter team. We will pick people on a random basis.

Let us know if you’re interested.

Edit: This poll was added on Sep 29th, 2022.

  • Yes, Count me in!
  • No, maybe later?
0 voters

Thanks :slight_smile:


It was indeed great to be a part of this.

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I have been part of this exercise and it’s good.

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Yeah. The excercise went pretty well. It was quick and fun !