Typo in Debit Card settings

Sleep settings for debit is 12am - 6am. It shows here 12am - 6pm.

Needs fix.

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It’s great to have you back, @iimashfaaq! :+1:

Yes…Checked and I can confirm the same…
It is showing as 6 PM instead of 6 AM
That’s a good catch… :clap: :clap: :clap:

iPhones can take screenshots in financial apps.

Ability to take screenshots is an inherent setting within IOS

We need to have a look at the time range here.
@here for others, does it appear as 6pm as well?

Yes…It is showing as 12 AM-6 PM

Yes. It appears as 12 am to 6 pm for me as well.

Yes its showing till 6pm

This is a bug indeed.
It’s raised internally and should be fixed.

Thanks for raising it @iimashfaaq.
We would like to send you some :jewel: for helping us find this bug. Reaching out to you through DMs for details.

And everyone else, thanks for confirming! :mag: :lady_beetle:


Yes. It’s showing as 12 am to 6 pm for me as well.

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Cool, glad I could help out the team.

Thank you.


Thank you so much, @iimashfaaq, for spotting that bug! :+1: :+1:
In the words of Shawn, “Even though it may be a minor issue, every element in the app matters.” (this is the response I got from him when I found a minor bug earlier, and I never thought I could get some jewels for it :rofl:)
Since Shawn has already taken this issue to the relevant team, I recommend marking his response as the “Solution” and closing this thread.
By the way, enjoy the jewels and congratulations on earning the bug hunter badge (which you may receive as a bonus) :cool_doge: :cool_doge: :jewel:

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