Solutions for Community Challenges

Hi Guys, Happy Weekend!

I have been facing some challenges with our Jupiter Community and would like to know if you all are facing the same challenges and solutions if any.

  1. The new interface for the community is good and modern. But I am missing some things from the old community interface. Eg. The spacing is too much in between posts and there is a lot of white space on the web version. So we have to scroll a lot.

  2. I am unable to post from my Jupiter mobile app or the browser. Posting works only from the web version.

  3. This issue persists from the old interface. When I am in 5G, the community loads very slowly. This happens only when I access community via the Jupiter app.

Hoping @Shawnpinto could look into these issues.


You can switch to the old interface (dark/light theme) by going to Preferences> Interface>Theme

Yes…Can confirm the same :v:t2:.
Unable to post via mobile browser. Earlier I thought I was the only one facing this issue


Thanks @razack. I am gonna stick to the old interface till things get ironed out.

@Shawnpinto Just to be clear. The Community V2 looks great and is a welcome change. :slight_smile:


I think it is a bug for everyone. One workaround is to click on the monitor icon in the bottom right in the hamburger icon. It will enable pc site but is responsive.

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@Aswin_Benny Thanks. This method is working. I am able to post through my mobile. :slightly_smiling_face:

But the interface is messed up. :slightly_frowning_face:

For me, the issue persists. I am unable to post anything from the phone even after trying Aswin’s solution.

The light theme should be stable now.
v2 theme needs some work, time to take it back to the garage :running_man:t4: :hammer_and_wrench:


I’m not able to reply or post messages through Jupiter app on community
I can type replies but when I click on reply, nothing happens. :confused:

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I am facing the same issue with the light as well as V2 theme on the phone

That’s a new one :point_up:
We’ll have a look.

Thanks for raising it!

Tried all themes on mobile . All of them doesn’t work.

Update: It is now working correctly. :rocket:

Dark Theme Version- Mobile Browser: Chrome :tick:
Light theme : Working fine :tick:
Version 2 : working fine :tick:


Yup. I can confirm too. It works.

Thanks @Shawnpinto. :+1:

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