New feature incoming | Any guesses?

And how did you deduce that?

So you assumed? Let’s not assume that especially when one has not borrowed and his/her contact list is faced any issues

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Thik hai yaar phone number pe he kar du ga aab se :grin:

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Adding credit card in UPI option

Hai @heidrunick Welcome to the community.
The new feature upcoming is 'Pay to Contact"

Also, at present the feature of adding CC to UPI is limited to Rupay cards. The Jupiter Edge card is of Visa Variant (Platinum)

Hope we can see NPCI allowing Visa and MasterCard Credit card to link with UPI soon and then we surely expect that feature for Jupiter :+1::+1:

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Alright, many of you have already guessed it. It’s pay to contacts :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s currently under internal testing.

We’re gonna release it to Lab testers soon. Sounds like another lab test! It’s been a while.


oh! that kinda thing! okay okay thanks :slight_smile:


By what time are we expecting pay to contact feature . :face_holding_back_tears:

@rOhan_mali I hope the feature may be available for the lab testers soon and would be live for all other users after, probably 1-2 weeks :+1:

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It’s now available in the app


@saurabh.s bro, Yes…It is live now…But I can see the writing 'new’ on that feature…Here, it is misplaced to Self Transfer :sweat_smile:


I already clicked on the option, I think that’s why the “New” tag disappeared.

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@saurabh.s The same happened to me now…After clicking on it, it got disappeared :+1:t2: Still curious about that ‘new’ on self-transfer :smiley: :grin:
One more thing I noticed now, After closing and opening the app, the new feature is taking some time to appear on the top tab. Can you confirm it?

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Good catch :clap:
I can confirm that too. It tooks around 1 or 2 second to load.


Same here . Feels like that button gets loaded after loading the page by pushing other icons to right side :joy:

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I see no such lag.

I have set my UPI number on Jupiter now. Was waiting for this feature since very long.

Custom UPI Id needed next @Shawnpinto on priority.


Yeah, the introduction of this native feature to manage the UPI number (mobile and private number) is much appreciated! Well executed with a clear copy! :raised_hands:

Custom UPI VPA next :crossed_fingers:

PS: Check Payment Settings in-app!


Option to set the number is UPI number is now live. Nice.

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