Mobile phone number update pe

@Shivanshu_shukla Work is going on. We will announce it once it is done. No ETA as of now.

Yes please bring in that feature(my personal feedback)
and thank you for all your response.

@Shivanshu_shukla may I know which company Sim you use, you can reactivate the simwhen it’s registered under your aadhar

If you don’t have any funds in account then don’t need to worry If you have funds you can withdraw cash by ATM

You can find multiple options for neo banks and payments bank you can open that.

Hope this helps


@Abhinav_Goyal There is a manual process which involves visit to the branch in this case. But no way to do it online.

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@Nikhil_Godbole that’s true

@Abhinav_Goyal @Jaideep Agreed. We’ve seen that in the past, however, visiting bank doesn’t need to be done in isolation. We will coordinate with the respective branch so that it is hassle free.

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@Abhinav_Goyal If you have lost your number, please help us with the alternate phone no and we will get a call arranged to you and explain the procedure. The process cannot be pasted on this forum topic.

Just FYI, Pots and Savings bank account process is same as both accounts fall under the same bank.

@Abhinav_Goyal this is very risky situation you don’t have access to your contact number.

Banks have to follow their protocol to ensure safety of their customer funds.

I will suggest get your number activated.

sorry for late response, i have jio sim

I suggest kindly edit your post and remove personal details like mobile number and email id.
You can change the mobile number by going to My Profile (can be accessed by clicking on the hamburger icon on the top left) > Mobile Number>Edit