Jupiter App for Wear OS and Watch OS Devices

To the best of my knowledge I don’t think any other bank has an app for Watch OS and Wear OS Devices. So, it’s nice to have an dedicated app for Wear OS Devices soon, please consider this if possible @Jiten


Hai @Saketh_Adhikarla, Welcome to the community :v:t2:
That’s a cool feature suggestion. :rocket:
If I am not wrong, SBI had previously launched a feature or application called “SBI Wear” that provided banking services on smartwatches. I’m not sure if it’s still available, though.
I’ve also read somewhere that certain smartwatches support GPay/NFC, but not very sure about smartwatches because I am not a fan of smartwatches. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah they launched it in 2016 currently it’s not available on Play Store. Hope Jupiter also will provide us that feature as NPCI introduced UPI NFC payments

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@Saketh_Adhikarla This does sound nice! But we’ll need to focus on building the app first :v:t4:

How’s the experience while making payments through smartwatches these days?
Is it more convenient than phones? If yes, how? :face_with_monocle:

Of course very convenient, no need to enter pin or password while paying smaller amounts, I am currently using Samsung pay in my galaxy watch it’s working fantastically fine. Making a lighter version of Jupiter App for Watch OS and Wear OS and also including UPI lite will definitely boost overall experience of the users for sure. For checking account balance it’s very convenient to see it in watch itself for instant payments also it’s really useful

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