Do you ever pay minimum amount or lesser than total due on your credit card?
Were you aware about the interest/fee that will be charged to you?
How do you manage situations where you need to carry the balance to next month and pay interest?
In which situations do you carry current month’s bill to the next month?
Jupiter wants to continue helping users manage their finances better & these question will help us provide products which can save people from the high interest rates of credit cards.
If you’re interested in joining us over a quick Google meet/Zoom call, let us know!
It’ll hardly take 15min or less.
A) Yes, I’m in!
B) A
C) B
Bonus tips on how to improve your credit score!
So, are you in?
I always opt for paying the Total Amount Due rather than the minimum due amount. I’ve heard that choosing the minimum due can lead to higher costs over time. I am not aware of the interest rates or fees associated with paying only the minimum due amount.
I’ve been using credit cards since 2003. I’ve not even once paid anyting less than “Total Amount Due”. I totally understand the implications of not paying credit card dues in full by due date and would never do it. However, if you think I can help your users to manage their finances better, I’m happy to participate
Bill aate hi do tin din mein payment kar deta hu. Faltu ka lafda kisko pasand hai?
Btw I am disappointed with Jupiter credit card, fees too high and rewards very little