Actually… phonepe etc need an intermediary bank to access NPCI server. And they tied up with multiple banks (axis, icici, etc), so that outage in one bank don’t stop their application. Remember… yes bank fiasco. And… thats why they have option to create multiple upi ids.
Jupiter don’t have to do this… as its a neo bank n directly connected with Federal bank. Any outage at Federal bank will affect Jupiter’s operation… whether it ties up with other banks or not. So… no benefit in associating with banks other than Federal bank. And thus no option to create multiple upi ids like phonepe.
However, Jupiter should allow custom upi ids within Federal bank’s framework.
The UPI is powered by Axis though. Any problems at Federal Bank means you wont be able to use UPI anyways on any app, you will be forced to use a different bank.
Try to include more than 1 Upi id. Faliure rates in Jupiter UPI is astonishingly high. Also try to give rewards for UPI spends on every merchant done via app. Dont restrict UPI reward to select only merchants. Also UPI code scanner takes time to scan. Its not easy like google pay or phone pay.
Can we get a Widget on android or IOS to go directly to scanner ?
Reduces friction
It won’t open the complete app when you need to pay so I am assuming the process will be fast too.