Charge on Virtual Debit Card 😶

I thank you with all my heart (if any left within me).
This is an overlooked thing which need serious attention.
I even forget that whether there was any charges on Debit card or not. Because I opened the account long ago and used for a month or two and uninstalled the app. Now, after a year or two, I’m using it as my primary Banking app.
As you mentioned that earlier there wasn’t any annual charges on Debit card, I’ll look into the matter and do write an email regarding the same.

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No1 worst castomer support

  1. Debit card delivery not update.
  2. I change email in jupiter but thay unabel to update email in my account with fedaral bank server.
  3. Main issue is when i purchase in a new mutal fund ,the primary holder name update “Maity” (But my name Ritam Maity) with folio.
    More than 7 mutual fund folio have my wrong name
    thatswhy some time my money stuck because my bank account holder name is another with folio primary holder name provide by jupiter.
    I know after destroying my investment ,jupiter was unabel to help.

Please tell my what i do
Jupiter castomer support unabel to solve my 3 major issue from last 1 year .

That seems a serious trouble for you. Is it possible to email respect fund company to fix this issue?

:smiling_face_with_tear: My ₹199 + GST

Now sure about the eligibility for annual charge waiver. Does adding money to Paytm wallet via debit card count as merchant transaction?

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BankBazaar yet not aware of Debit Card Annual fees.

Hello Ritam,

Thank you for connecting with us on call. We regret the inconvenience caused. As discussed on the call, your concerns have been escalated and we shall ensure to have this resolved for you at the earliest. We request your kind patience in the interim.


Jupiter first promised lifetime free debit card, now they started charging for same, this is unethical. Atleast they shouldn’t charge for Virtual Card.

I don’t want physical debit card of Jupiter.
If I use only virtual Debit card what charges will be applicable for virtual card only?
Is it possible not to use any debit card at all with account?

Whether you use a physical one or virtual one, the
annual charges/fee is same. In physical debit card, you need to pay some amount to order one.

Not sure a about the last question. I’m curious about this as well.

There is no mention of virtual debit card charges on federal bank site