I had set up, auto debit for a insurance premium, which is successful. But, customer care person mentioned that no such mandate is there to my account and said If at all the mandate is successful, it will be shown in “auto pay” section. It’s not shown there. Because of this, I assumed mandate has been failed and maintained less balance. Later, charges has been levied on my account for “NACH Return”. I raised a ticket and asked the same customer care person, she asked me to wait for some time, After that, she replied as “Our team found that, why this happened. It’s a bug and now our team is trying to fix it”. Even after charges amount being debited from my accy, still it’s not shown in “auto pay” section, as a mandate has been set. This bug from Jupiter costed me rs213 (for NACH Return).
So, @Shawnpinto , I heard that rewards will be given if a user find a bug before team finds it. So, will I get a reward? (Now, I had cancelled that mandate.)
The customer care person, whom I have mentioned above is @Bridget_Sabu.
This whole thing, happened a few days back. I just want to aware users.