All transactions - Transactions made by CC, other bank account not showing up

How do I see transaction made by Rupay CC, other banks under all transactions? Earlier it was easier to trackdown all of it, even with a filter of account selection. Now all I can see under All Transactions are only Jupiter Bank account transactions.

Has this feature been removed? or way to navifate changed?

Any help is appreciated.
If this feature is no longer there then I need to look for some alternatives :confused:


@Pratyushh i am able to see the transaction done across accounts and the Edge Rupay card under the all transactions tab. Guess for other credit card transactions we need to go to the credit card tab.

Earlier there used to be tabs with account/card number.
Now, I see only Jupiter account number tab.

Yesterday, I found out a way to see all of it. Scroll to the very left and click on Jupiter icon to see all transactions(all account/cc). But the ability to filter based on a specific CC is not there, which used to be there earlier.

@Shawnpinto is this intentional?

Hi @Pratyushh , This shouldn’t have happened. It’s is a known bug - we’re working on it! :wrench:

Thanks for letting us know though! :blob_thanks:

Thanks for the update Shawn. Guess, I missed it.

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