1 day to go for the big reveal!

Nice one jupiter. Card design is so :zap: :zap: :zap: . Kudos jupiter :star_struck: :star_struck:

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I am 5071 already lol :joy:
too slow!

@yagnesh01 true. But it will involve CSB backend. And I mentioned when bank involvement is necessary. Like late charges even though payment is done on time, refunds etc. Many apps have this issue because of the backend where NEO bank customer execs also can’t help much.


My waitlist number is 5050. Not sure if I am happy about the fancy number or sad that I am behind 5049 people.

Also not sure if I would get this card in the first place or not.


Congratulations @JupiterTeam :smiley:

Good job! You have taken all the community feedback for the Jupiter Edge credit card and applied it to the Edge CSB Rupay credit card.

Very peculiar that you have skipped the Jupiter branding though. :thinking:

Is it because it might be confusing if both credit cards had the same branding? :thinking:


Wait. You guys are seeing numbers ? I dont see any :neutral_face:

The brand name ‘Edge’ and the ‘Big J’ logo are enough for Jupiter branding…
You can see it on both credit cards…You couldn’t find any Jupiter full name on the previous Visa variant too…Also, on the website too, you can only see ‘Edge Credit Card’ and ‘Edge Rupay Credit Card’ under the products tab.

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Only if applied through the link shared by @saurabh.s .
Not on app

I joined the waitlist through the app. Do I have to join waitlist through the link you shared as after joining waitlist through app I didn’t get any waitlist number?

I don’t think so…One may be enough
Hope Shawn confirms the same :+1:t2:

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UPTO is back again :sunglasses::joy:


@Jiten You are a founder at Plaksha University and I am a student here. Please come for a general session here on fintech.
PS- I have referred to many students here.

But this time, with Rupay CC on UPI, users won’t care about the reward much.

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Folks, I guess this Edge card on UPI is a micro credit card. Hence, the difference in branding and the Edge name. I don’t expect higher credit limit to start with. Most probably they’d offer 5 or 10K as a starting point? :thinking:

I did both

It was showing credit limit upto 20K in the banner of the video if I remember correctly

In that case it’s a micro credit card. The good news is almost everyone would be eligible. To onboard RuPay CC users enmasse to UPI would be their main aim with this product offering.

Also, to provide EMI on UPI.


JupiterMan, now with an Edge :sunglasses::rocket:


Jupiter should start naming their credit cards after Jupiter’s moons. Europa, Callisto, etc… And you have 95 options that way. I am sure you guys brainstormed this.

Or maybe @Jiten wants to reserve those for his ventures. Amalthea Infotech anyone?

Inside scoop: Jupiter office conference room (the one in the photos above) is called Europa which is one of the biggest moons of Jupiter.


Varies user to user.
There are multiple UPI Credit Cards in the market.
I did not take any because none of them offer good rewards.

Also, to control spends :joy:

So Rs.20000 is the max credit limit… Upto ₹20000 to be precise. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: