What's something you wish you'd spent *less* on in your 20s?

I guess this is also very important for us to learn so continuing the discussion from Whats something you wish you'd spent more on in your 20s?:

Keep a watch here @diya @dhanvi :stuck_out_tongue:


I made the mistake of taking a lot of loans during college as I didnt have money and assumed that i’ll be able to payback in the future.
What I’ve learnt is that if you dont have the money to pay for something right now, you simply do NOT have money!


New phones and gadgets for social validation from friends :frowning:

Poor quality built items! End up spending twice as much to buy a quality product

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Furniture. Took me like 4 moves to figure out where I actually wanted to live.

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Eating out (alone). Almost always worth eating with someone else, but those lonely sub sandwiches or pizza deliveries… should’ve just learned how to cook.!


On short lived experiences? Like a fancy dinner or a club night, maybe learning fancy cooking would have stayed longer. Sorry if it sounds philosophical! I am also trying to get the grip of things :stuck_out_tongue: