Units generation issue (Gold)

I noticed I received fewer units than actually, As per my calculation, I need to have these many units as shown in the above image with a blue sheet, but they are showing I’m having 599 mg but I need to have 600.65 mg.

This is how Jupiter is Calculated, So if you look at this sheets my calculation is right


@MR_ASK_Chay Wow! Good job with the tables and especially the colour differentiation.

I think it’s got to do with rounding off. However, I’ll leave it to the Jupiter Team.

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Hi Sai,

Gold units are allocated in quantities up to 4 decimal places by most digital gold partners (MMTC in our case). There is a rounding down at 4 decimal places, that is why you’re seeing a difference of 0.000079 / 0.000087 gm or approx. Re.1.

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If that is the case, I need to pay only for the provided units not for the not allocated round-up units, In my case If MMTC is doing this, They need to follow the same right. With this what should I consider is this separate charge from the MMTC? Since I’m buying the Gold from Jupiter not directly from MMTC.

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