Ticket open for long keeps updating created on

So I opened a ticket a couple of weeks back, it was a long open ticket. I saw from time to time a person was assigned to the ticket and nothing happened. That’s not the case but on the card shown to the user “Created on” date was modified. It seems like a ticket is just created but it’s not the case.

The ticket initially created on 19th Mar 2024

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Thanks for raising this @CHETAN_KUMAR_RAWAT
We’ll have the team look a this one.

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The issue is still there, I know it looks like low priority but for a customer, it’s misleading that a product is marking the created date as newer and newer just to show that the ticket is not that old and kept unresolved.


@CHETAN_KUMAR_RAWAT This is noted, however, for now please treat that date as updated Date and not created date. There is some issue in the API feed which is not changing the “Created” Date to “Updated” date and only updating the date. We will be fixing it soon.


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