The deposit money section text box is behaving anonymously

When clicked on deposit money section by default 5000 is showing.

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Click on deposit money
  2. By default 5000 is coming
  3. Add 1 more 0 and keep adding
  4. Now try to delete the numbers one by one

Issue: The numbers are popping randomly and anonymously.

Screenshots are not allowed on the deposit page.

Tried reproducing this. Seems fine :thinking:
@Mayank_Agarwal What’s your app version?

Can anyone else try testing this out? Thanks.

I have updated the application…still occurring.

I see.
@Mayank_Agarwal Could you share a recording with me on DM? :blob_thanks:
You can use another device. Or, if you’re on iOS, you can record it directly.