How about using an inbuilt digital assistant that can help in planning the spending every month! Again follows from the spending behavior.
The key, however, would be to make Jupiter as a central medium of spends or a mechanism to track all other spends through Jupiter app (AA maybe / SMS access)
The assistant can then nudge us based on behavior - Mainly to spend wisely (spend optimizers through commerce alliances) ;
The cases in which spend targets are achieved with say a significant margin, the respective surplus can be recommended to be invested in a medium to high return instrument e.g. SIP
This may create a win-win scenario for all stakeholders involved.
Every month/quarter, a score and statement can be shared on not only how much a person has saved, but by how much that savings have grown and multiplied
Sharing the link to the 3D customer assistant which can double up as the respective customer’s Finance buddy!