Ready. Set. Save! - Savings challenge 🤩

We all are @Ayushi_Sethia. But not many are happy with the interest rate for Pots :yum:


I don’t really think interest rates matter that much in terms of pots. They are intended to be used as a digital piggy bank for short term savings. So, even if decent interest rates are considered, that wouldn’t add up to anything incremental.

However imo, STCG and LTCG taxations are still unclear to me so I prefer a secondary account approach as opposed to putting short term goals in a investment instrument like liquid funds etc.

However, Jupiter recently acquired EasyPlan. I don’t know what happened to that integration.


Congrats to the winner :rocket::rocket:

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@here May winner announcements here! - Savings challenge winners | May 2022 📱 :grimacing:


@here Important annoucement :alert:

Here are all the winners of our savings challenge :rocket:

  • Sahil Kumar
  • Sravan Vemajala
  • Sandip Rakshit
  • Pradeep Kumar Singh
  • Chetan Tinguria
  • Touheed saleem

Congratulations! :clap:t4:
Also, the savings challenge is officially closed for now.

We’re coming up with a new challenge. Would it be similar to this? We’ll have to find out :slight_smile:

Read more here: Our Public Roadmap on Trello 📝 - #86 by Shawnpinto