(Poll of the week) What does one do with idle cash? 🤔

Folks, what would you do if you saved up a lot of funds and have no idea how/where to put it (Or make use of it), What would you do?

  • Spend it all!
  • Start saving
  • Let it sit in my bank account (lazy)
  • Not sure

0 voters

This can be pocket money, piggy bank, salary, etc.

If you ask me, I would feel like buying something for myself/friends/family - Or just go to Amazon/Flipkart and look at offers :stuck_out_tongue:

Would like to know your thoughts.

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Need another option for “Invest all the amount” :cool_cat:

I choose to vote for starting saving with the assumption it is tagged to invest it all

I do not keep high balance in accounts, rather put it in super pots/FDs and or investments. To solve my monthly expenses I have a rotating system of monthly super pots but that is kind of hard as you need to prepare for it 1 year in advance.

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If I have a huge amount of funds saved up, I would consider depositing them into my bank accounts (especially SBI) and patiently await any communication from their credit card teams.
In the event that I receive pre-approved offers, I would politely decline those offers. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ultimate Revenge :fire: :fire:


Wah kya seen hai

Saying something like “Sorry I have a girlfriend”

Getting a credit card from sbi will be a big regret in your life bro :joy: People are fed up with sbi credit card it seems :grin: