Jupiter 2.0 redesign | Introducing a new experience

This is the version on my iOS device haven’t got that option to update . Been constantly checking for any updates? Any reason why am I still stuck on this 2,6,6 version on my device

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It takes time to reach all subscribers, maybe a staggered update. Most would get it by this week acc to Shawn’s message above.


I got the update yesterday & honestly it’s not better then previous one atleast as of now.
Dislike :-1: Can be improved :+1:

  1. A very big banner at front of the home page takes about half of the screen :- It could be a little smaller on size
  2. The font/icon size is a little big :- could be a smaller on size
  3. Payment tab icons are also not looks good and the colour scheme is look very odd, does not give a cool neobank vibe.

I really like the colour of jewels tab pure black amoled half and the rest one. If the first colour available on home and payment tab it will look super cool but for now I didn’t like the colour at all.


Kindly add process to update permanent address. It will be more helpful in future

Android or iOS?


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Got the update today and Honestly it’s not a pretty scene.
The UI, even though kinda clean doesn’t have that vibe we used to have with previous app design.
This really looks bad.
I know It’s a huge ask, but please bring back the old design.


Third class design. Not even 1% as good as old one. This is really annoying and dirty. You have totally ruined the app interface now. I feel like uninstalling jupiter now.

Hi Prince, thanks for the candid feedback. Change takes some getting used to, but we’re confident that as you continue to interact with our new cleaner interface, it’ll grow on you. Having said that, we’re eager to hear your thoughts on what specially you’re not liking about it. Your feedback will help us us fine-tune things.


ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my eyes hurt, why the heck white/light theme all of sudden.

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To align with the latest app design/colours.

If you use firefox mobile or pc. You can use this extension :sweat_smile:

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When new design will be live? Eagerly waiting!

It still being rolled out to all users, once you get the update on the store, it should be the one with the new redesign :v:


Got it for chrome too…Thanks

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when can we get update in playstore

Well if you have gone through the comments you would know except for your design team no one likes the new design. Its a total mess and hurts the eyes. Old UI was neat and clean and this one is total mess. Earlier design them highlighted the necessary parts but here everything is consistent and users have to roll over all the screen to look for desired options. This design is a total disaster. Jupiter had best UI earlier of all other fintech apps but now it totally sucks. :-1: Would rate it 0/10


hahah, they don’t want your or mine feedback because they likes the design and that’s all.
They even don’t care when most of the user’s criticizing them for there work still they rolling it out to the public.
Great going Jupiter and well done Design team.

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Please check it now. :v:t2:
I got the most recent version from the Play Store today (Version 3.0).

Got the app update yesterday and let me tell you, this is the best experience I’ve ever had with Jupiter. The design team absolutely cooked. The new colours, the minimalistic approach, the consistency all throughout have really elevatd the desig. My favourite thing about the update is definitely the usage of shadows. Compared to the previous version, which looked somewhat messy, especially in the help and “your bills” page, the newer look is clean and elevates the Ui 10x. I am especially in love with the animation that plays whenever I unhide my account balance. It’s just a nice touch.

However, no design is perfect and the design team definitely has things that they need to work on for the next update.

Areas of improvement:

Firstly, let’s adress the elephant in the room: The animations. While expected, considering the massive overhaul the app went through, the truth remains that in alot of places, the animations are janky and need immediate polishing.

Secondly, the help icon. I am aware that this has been a thing even in the previous version, but I was hoping that the team would notice and address it in this update. The FAQ page shares the same icon with the help page one, making it confusing. Adding a separate icon for both would enhance the experience in my opinion.

Finally, the inconsistency in the alignment of text in settings, such as the payments, the card settings and the app settings. (Personally, I think copy pasting the card settings would work, as it looks really good.)

Personal opinions and suggestions:

I think adding the old graphic, especially the borders around the acc. number and IFSC code like the old design would clean the design up a little.

The new transaction catagory icons being monochrome, while aesthetically pleasing, makes them confusing. The older, more colourful ones are a better option in my opinion.

Reverting back to the older QR scan Ui with the new colour scheme is something the team can consider. I don’t know, the new, unnecessarily large icons really grind my gears, and I prefer the older, cleaner look.

When tapping on the three lines from the home page, if the options open with the information about the savings account gone, only being accessible after the user does a swipe down gesture (which would reveal the largest Qr code, along with the information regarding the saving account below), would make the experience so much better. Currently, in order to access the settings, you need to swipe down atleast twice. So implementing this would make the settings more accessible, while keeping the convience of being able to copy paste the account info intact. (Also, the font on the account info card can be worked on, in my opinion. Right now, it looks a bit odd. The same is the case in the Paying, and Net worth page. I believe the super thin, secondary font is the culprit. Using a font that is slightly bolder should fix the issue. And of course, spacing, especially in the account info card)

The new Reward page is, with all due respect, bland. It feels like all the life of it has sucked out. Reverting back to the older version, with the pop of purple, would rejuvenate it.

I have been meaning to give feedback regarding this for a while, but can Jupiter impliment a system where once you complete a lesson, in either the money or invest tab, the card for that lesson disappears? I already know what they want to say, still keeping them only clutters the Ui.

On that note, team, can we please get rid of the “invest automatically with every payment” banner already? I am already an avid user of that feature, you don’t need to keep showing that to me. Just like the “lesson” cards, it clutters the experience. Please make it so that once the user interacts with the features, the banner disappears.

To conclude, the Jupiter app update is a significant step forward. The design overhaul is beautiful and user-friendly, with a few minor areas for improvement. By addressing the animations, iconography, and information access, the team can truly elevate the user experience. Looking forward to seeing these refinements in future updates! (Yes, i asked chatgpt to write conclusion for me. The post felt incomplete without it).