Downtime experience made better ✨

Hello Community,

We noticed there was a downtime yesterday and users could not access payments on the Jupiter app.

Context :page_facing_up:

Users could not to do scan and pay, pay to contact or bill payment even through other linked accounts (ICICI, HDFC, etc) or even our Edge RuPay Credit Card. (Credit Card was not accessible as an option even if Federal was down)

Enhanced DMS :hammer_and_wrench:

Now, our DMS (Downtime Management system) is enhanced to give users an option to pay through other bank account or Credit Card - UPI even when Federal is down. Other payment methods are available when one bank is down.

Moreover, there are also cases when some banks may have reduced success rates. In those cases also, we will inform the user to use other payment methods by giving this transparency to users.

Here’s an example for such cases.



This was definitely needed. Thank you!!

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Yes…I was Used Jupiter UPI Application… Yesterday Down for Jupiter UPI. Still I don’t have a Edge RuPay Credit Card…I am Eagerly waiting for Edge RuPay Credit card because waitlist Also. Thanks & Regards

wonderful to share important knowledge with me.

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This is a cool. Redundant systems are always welcome. Thanks!