Bring cryptocurrency on Jupiter to invest

Hii please bring cryptocurrency on Jupiter for invest

  • add 15 coins
    1 bitcoin (BTC)
    2 ethereum (ETH)
    3 BNB
    4 XRP
    5 Dogecoin (DOGE)
    6 cardano (ADA)
    7 polygon (matic)
    8 polkadot (Dot)
    9 Shiba inu (SHIB) my favourite coin
    10 solana (SOL)
    11 OKB
    12 tron (TRX)
    13 uniswap (UNI)
    14 Litecoin (LTC)
    15 baby Doge coin (BABYDOGE)

  • please bring cryptocurrency like you have bring mutual funds
    Please :pleading_face:

On Jupiter for invest in cryptocurrency


Ready to pay 30% Tax to gov?

Yes I am ready to pay 30 tax

Cryptocurrency will get regular like mutual funds

And thatโ€™s why I am ready if we will pay tax then after that it will get regular

After regular tax will get low

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My prediction is that banks wont adopt cryptocurrency trading in near future. (They may take up blockchain and its applications ) :joy:

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