Bill Payment icon not showing

Hi @Shawnpinto

Bill payment icon is hidden and not showing in home page but when i click on the blank space it opening

Hey @Satyajit_Singh which blank space did you tap on? :blob_huh:

Where pay bills option is showing before disappear.

But now it is showing

Let me know if you’re able to do this repeatedly.

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@Shawnpinto I had the same issue. Reopening the app solved the issue

@here Yes, we are able to replicate this one.
We will solve it.

Thanks for highlighting it folks :slight_smile:

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Still the bug is found

It’s not resolved yet @Satyajit_Singh
We’re on it.

@Aswin_Benny @Satyajit_Singh This is fixed. Lemme know if you guys still can’t see the icon.

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Yes this is fixed :raised_hands:

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Perfect! Thanks for helping us find this bug.
You will be receiving a… :gift: soon :slight_smile:


My pleasure to contribute once again.

Thank you for the appreciation.