Please make upi lite available to all users asap, it is much needed feature when doing little amount of transactions or bank is upi or transaction failure, it will enhance the trust among consumers whenever they will face server issues from bank.
While UPI lite is not available on the Jupiter app, the Jupiter account can be linked to the UPI lite account in apps that support it (Paytm, Gpay)
Yeah you can use Jupiter with Gpay or Paytm, just link Jupiter by selecting federal bank in options and then you can create UPI lite account of that federal bank.
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but as we all know jupiter known for its simpler ui, that makes it easy to use everything, so im insisting jupiter to bulid this feature so we can get hands on the simpler ui from jupiter and ecosystem of the same on jupiter app
If Jupiter has too many features, it won’t have a simple UI anymore.
its has to be there speciality to be featurefull yet simpler, ortherwise there is paytm and other apps also.
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