I go to insights page to look view the summary. I see few transaction (which are not an expense, instead they are all self transfer to save monthly) of pots. At bottom I see “tag self transfer” option.
I’m able to mark any transaction as self transfer and not it get counted as spend. problem is I’m not able to see it for the pot transaction. Self transfer and insights page goes useless as it shows wrong/ unexpected data, when you are not giving the option self transfer option for pot transaction.
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Dear @minhaj,
Suppose a user withdraw money from the pots it’s tagged as “pots withdrawal” by default and the amount/gold withdrawn from the Gold pot is tagged as ‘credit’ by default.
You can confirm it by selecting the Pots and clicking on pots transaction history. Both this items appears under the Total income and not under Total spends.
It appears under total spends only when we have withdrawn that amount from Jupiter to any other bank account, where we can use the ‘self transfer’ tag and it appears on the spends section.
Could you please share the screenshot/image of the issue you are facing
Thanks for the reply.
No. It appears under/ as spend.
- Go to insights page ( I hope this is a page to view all my spends in category format).
- Select any month, Total spend tab
- You’ll see pots transaction as spend
BTW, I get that pots are tagged as “pots withdrawal" when you view it within the pots.
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