News about Neo Banks ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ

You need to kill the app a few times and restart card activation.

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Thanks for your help.
Itโ€™s working

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I have not tried to activate it. I kept the card in card holders.

Utoppia is a zero balance account. Confirmed.

That charge is for inactivity for 6 months.

But account is zero balance only.

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Will you please showcase your cardholder with your collections โ€ฆ

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It will be great if they provide a physical card

They do provide Apple Pay feature which can be used to make transactions offline. For that you need to change the device region settings to US.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Unveil Your Stylish Collection of Cards :credit_card:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unveil Your Stylish Collection of Cards :credit_card:

Cool you also have a goods collections. I will try for PNB Cards too lets see.


How do you hold two Rupay platinum cards of Au Bank and Canara Bank at a time

Actually Canara bank provide 4 rupay platinum cards per customer and PNB provide 3 rupay platinum per customer Btw I have not completed my full kyc so I donโ€™t have pnb debit card

Now One more Canara Bank rupay platinum card I have requested yesterday. it will arrive Soon. now Iโ€™ll come to Au bank.

Actually I open my account when Au Digital account was not there. I mean they launched a app especially for account opening SO i opened that account and they issued Rupay Classic or Visa card I donโ€™'t know later I upgraded my account into Au Digital Account they issued me Rupay Platinum so I have both card. Then I blocked that card which I got earlier then the pop-up showed me do you want new replacement I selected yes and instantly they blocked that card and issued one more rupay platinum cardโ€ฆ

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Thanks for your information


What is the number of the total cards? Any metal card?

40-50 I donโ€™t know the exact number LOL. :joy: I donโ€™t have any metal cardsโ€ฆ

Today I received my Lemon card.


HDFC In the houseโ€ฆ

Thatโ€™s a lot of cards :blob_worried:
So cool!

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